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Long-term changes in the sand grassland of Fülöpháza, Kiskunság

Changes of the cover (in %) of the two dominant grasses: Festuca vaginata, Stipa borysthenica and Dianthus serotinus (a protected perennial herb). The surveys were made by several researcher, among them by: Anikó Csecserits,  Melinda Halassy, Miklós Kertész, György Kröel-Dulay, Gábor Ónodi,. The figures were made by Anna Fruzsina Nagy (MSc student).

Changes of the cover (in %) of the two dominant grasses: Festuca vaginata and Stipa borysthenica
Changes of the cover (in %) of Dianthus serotinus, a protected perennial herb.ipa borysthenica