Terms of data accessibility
Data management is an essential part of long-term research. The major concepts of the data management are as follows:
- The data obtained by publicly funded research should be made public.
- Publication of the data should follow the regulation of the institute in which the data were obtained.
- In the publication of the data, the interests of the researchers, i.e. precedence of publication, and the sensitivity of the data (e.g. location of protected natural objects) should be taken into consideration.
- Quality control of the data is part of the publication process, thus the publication contributes to the quality assurance of the research activity.
- The published metadata should match the European data management programs like Copernicus (formerly GMES) and SEIS
Publication of the data are in progress. The metadata are edited according to the initiatives of the LTER Europe, using the LTER Europe DEIMS (Ecological Information Management System) facility. This work is funded by the ENVEUROPE project.