Research projects
Running projects
NKFIH 143697 (2023-2026) Climate change in small scale: the strengths and limitations of field experiments
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Topograss (2023-2024) Microtopography effect on grassland response to extreme drought
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K 138060 (2021-2025) Seed-based restoration to prevent the establishment and spread of invasive species
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H2020 – INFRAIA-2019-1 No. 871128 (2020-2025) eLTER Advanced Community Project (eLTER PLUS)
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H2020-INFRADEV-2019-2, 871126 (2020-2025) eLTER PPP: eLTER Preparatory Phase Project
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NKFIH 129068 (2018-2023) EXDRAIN-2: Ecosystem responses to droughts: experiments, observations, and synthesis
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FK 127996 (2018-2022) The application of filter-based assembly models in the restoration of sand grasslands
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Finished projects
FK128465 (2018-2022) Impact of establishment, spreading and management of invasive plant species in semi-natural and regenerating habitats
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NKFI PD128385 (2018-2021) A produktivitás-fajgazdagság összefüggés megváltozása bolygatások hatására
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124671 (2017-2021) Traits for understanding plant community assembly: a new theoretical framework and testing with field data
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HU NKFIH (OTKA) PD 120844 (2016-2019) Reproductive phenology and transgenerational plasticity of grassland species in response to rainfall manipulations
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K112576 (2015-2018) EXDRAIN-1 - OTKA K112576
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LIFE12 NAT/HU/001188 (2015-2018) Pannon szikes vízi élőhelyek helyreállítása a Kiskunságban
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OTKA K 105608 (2013-2017) Diversity, regulation and reliability – fine-scale functional organization in vegetation
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LIFE08/NAT/H/000288 Action C7 (2010-2014) A possible use of seed bank samples: testing the methodology for reintroduction
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EU PF7 INCREASE (2009-2013) Vulnerability assessment of shrubland ecosystems in Europe under climatic changes
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FVM Parlagfű projekt 2008 (2008-2009) Factors effecting distribution and spread of common ragweed in seminatural and extensively used landscapes
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NKFP6-00013/2005 (2006) Common milkweed experiment
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NKFP6/013/2005 (2005) Interactions between natural and human-dominated ecosystems: biodiversity, ecosystem functions and land-use in the Great Hungarian Plain
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NKFP-3B/0008/2002 (2002) Restoring fallow lands by combined restoration method
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TÉT-MAKA JFNo. 639 (1997) Ecological restoration of fallow land with soil N immobilization
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OTKA 16063 (1995) Spontaneous and induced successional trends following clear-cut of black locust forests
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