Ugrás a tartalomra



Erdős, L., Ónodi, G., Ho, K. V., Tanács, E., Akinyi, R. Q., Török, P., Tölgyesi, Cs., Bátori, Z. & Kröel‐Dulay, G. (2024): Between‐year weather differences and long‐term environmental trends both contribute to observed vegetation changes in a plot resurvey study.. Ecology and Evolution, 14(9), e70244.
Kröel-Dulay, Gy., Rigó, A., Tanács, E., Szitár, K., Ónodi, G., Aradi, E., Bakró-Nagy, Zs., Biró, M., Botta-Dukát, Z., Kalapos, T., Kelemen, A., Laborczi, A., Pásztor L., Akinyi Rabuogi, Q., Mojzes, A. (2024): Explosive spread of sand dropseed (Sporobolus cryptandrus), a C4 perennial bunchgrass, threatens unique grasslands in Hungary (Central Europe).. NeoBiota, 95, 59-75.
Reis, B. P., Branquinho, C., Török, K., Řehounková, K., Nunes, A., & Halassy, M. (2024): The added value of the long-term ecological research network to upscale restoration in Europe. Journal of Environmental Management 366, 121736.
Sáradi, N., Csákvári, E., Berki, B., Csecserits, A., Csonka, A. C., Reis, B. P., ... & Halassy, M. (2024): Az elsőbbségi hatás, a propagulumnyomás és a jelleghasonlóság alkalmazása inváziós fajok honos fajok vetésével történő visszaszorítására.. Természetvédelmi Közlemények, 30, 16044-16044.


Berki, B., Botta‐Dukát, Z., Csákvári, E., Gyalus, A., Halassy, M., Mártonffy, A., ... & Csecserits, A. (2023): Short‐term effects of the control of the invasive plant Asclepias syriaca: secondary invasion of other neophytes instead of the recovery of native species. Applied Vegetation Science, e12707
Csákvári, E., Sáradi, N., Berki, B., Csecserits, A., Csonka, A. C., Reis, B. P., ... & Halassy, M (2023): Native species can reduce the establishment of invasive alien species if sown in high density and using competitive species. Restoration Ecology, e13901
Fóti, Sz., Bartha, S., Balogh, J., Pintér,K., Koncz,P., Biró, M., Süle, G. et al. (2023): Fluctuations and Trends in Spatio‐temporal Patterns of Plant Species and Diversity in a Sandy Pasture. Journal of Vegetation Science 34.
Kertész Miklós (2023): 30 years anniversary of the KisKun LTER site. Centre for Ecological Research and Kiskunság National Park Directorate eLTER2023_Kecskemet_Program and Book of Abstracts.pdf 860.53 KB
Reis, B. P., Kövendi-Jakó, A., Csákvári, E., Szitár, K., Török, K., Sáradi, N., ... & Halassy, M (2023): Early sowing is more effective in the long-term for restoring sandy grassland than six years of mowing or carbon amendment. Ecological Engineering, 186, 106824.
Szitár, K., Tölgyesi, Cs., Deák, B., Gallé, R., Korányi, D., and Batáry, P. (2023): Connectivity and Fragment Size Drive Plant Dispersal and Persistence Traits in Forest Steppe Fragments. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 11.


Kröel-Dulay, György ; Mojzes, Andrea* ; Szitár, Katalin ; Bahn, Michael ; Batáry, Péter ; Beier, Claus ; Bilton, Mark ; De Boeck, Hans J. ; Dukes, Jeffrey S. ; Estiarte, Marc et al. (2022): Field experiments underestimate aboveground biomass response to drought.. NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 6 : 5 pp. 540-545.
Mojzes, A. ; Kalapos, T. ; Kröel-Dulay, Gy. (2022): Drought in maternal environment boosts offspring performance in a subordinate annual grass. ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 187 Paper: 104472
Orbán, Ildikó ; Szitár, Katalin ; Kalapos, Tibor ; Körel-Dulay, György (2022): The role of disturbance in invasive plant establishment in a changing climate: insights from a drought experiment. Biological Invasions 23 (6): 1877-1890.
Reis, B. P., Szitár, K., Kövendi-Jakó, A., Török, K., Sáradi, N., Csákvári, E., & Halassy, M. (2022): The long-term effect of initial restoration intervention, landscape composition, and time on the progress of Pannonic sand grassland restoration. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 18(4), 429-440.
Seres, A., Kröel-Dulay, G., Szakálas, J., Nagy, P.I., Boros, G., Ónodi, G., Kertész, M., Szitár, K., Mojzes, A., (2022): The response of litter decomposition to extreme drought modified by plant species, plant part, and soil depth in a temperate grassland. Ecology and Evolution 12


Cevallos, D., Szitar, K., Halassy, M., KÖVENDI-JAKÓ, A., & Török, K. (2021): Does seed trait variability support preliminary seed transfer zones for Hungary?. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 19(5), 4129-4149.
Csákvári, E., Bede-Fazekas, Á., Horváth, F., Molnár, Z., & Halassy, M. (2021): Do environmental predictors affect the regeneration capacity of sandy habitats? A country-wide survey from Hungary. Global Ecology and Conservation, 27, e01547.
Csecserits, A., Halassy, M., Lhotsky, B., Rédei, T., Somay, L., & Botta-Dukát, Z. (2021): Changing assembly rules during secondary succession: evidence for non-random patterns. Basic and Applied Ecology, 52, 46-56.
Halassy, M.; Kövendi-Jakó, A.; Paolinelli Reis, B.; Szitár, K.; Seyidova, Z.; Török, K. N (2021): Immobilization Treatment Revisited: A Retarded and Temporary Effect Unfolded in Old-Field Restoration. Applied Vegetation Science 2021, 24 (1), e12555.
Kövendi‐Jakó, A., Szitár, K., Halassy, M., Halász, K., Mojzes, A., & Török, K. (2021): Effect of seed storing duration and sowing year on the seedling establishment of grassland species in xeric environments. Restoration Ecology, 29, e13209.
Llumiquinga, Y. B., Reis, B. P., Sáradi, N., Török, K., Szitár, K. & Halassy, M. (2021): Long-term results of initial seeding, mowing and carbon amendment on the restoration of Pannonian sand grassland on old fields. Tuexenia 41: 361–379.
Ónodi, G., G. Kröel-Dulay, Z. Botta-Dukát, and M. Kertész (2021): Disturbance reshapes the productivity–diversity relationship. Journal of Vegetation Science 32:e13030.
Ónodi, G.; Kertész, M.; Lengyel, A.; Pándi, I.; Somay, L.; Szitár, K.; Kröel‐Dulay, G. (2021): The Effects of Woody Plant Encroachment and Wildfire on Plant Species Richness and Composition: Temporal Changes in a Forest–Steppe Mosaic. Applied Vegetation Science 2021, 24 (1), e12546.
Orbán, I., Szitár, K., Kalapos, T., & Körel-Dulay, G. (2021): The role of disturbance in invasive plant establishment in a changing climate: insights from a drought experiment. Biological Invasions, 1-14.
Reis, B. P., Kövendi‐Jakó, A., Szitár, K., Török, K., & Halassy, M. (2021): Long‐term effect of mowing on the restoration of Pannonian sand grassland to replace invasive black locust plantation. Restoration Ecology, 29, e13152.


Koncz, P.; Vadász-Besny\Hoi, V.; Csathó, A. I.; Nagy, J.; Szerdahelyi, T.; Tóth, Z.; Pintér, K.; Fóti, S.; Papp, M.; Balogh, J. (2020): Carbon Uptake Changed but Vegetation Composition Remained Stable during Transition from Grazing to Mowing Grassland Management. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2020, 304, 107161.
Tölgyesi, C.; Török, P.; Hábenczyus, A. A.; Bátori, Z.; Valkó, O.; Deák, B.; Tóthmérész, B.; Erd\Hos, L.; Kelemen, A. (2020): Underground Deserts below Fertility Islands?. Woody Species Desiccate Lower Soil Layers in Sandy Drylands. Ecography 2020, 43 (6), 848–859.
Valencia, E.; de Bello, F.; Galland, T.; Adler, P. B.; Lepš, J.; E-Vojtkó, A.; van Klink, R.; Carmona, C. P.; Danihelka, J.; Dengler, J.; Eldridge, D. J.; Estiarte, M.; García-González, R.; Garnier, E.; Gómez‐García, D.; Harrison, S. P.; Herben, T.; Ibáñez, R.; Jentsch, A.; Juergens, N.; Kertész, M.; Klumpp, K.; Louault, F.; Marrs, R. H.; Ogaya, R.; Ónodi, G.; Pakeman, R. J.; Pardo, I.; Pärtel, M.; Peco, B.; Peñuelas, J.; Pywell, R. F.; Rueda, M.; Schmidt, W.; Schmiedel, U.; Schuetz, M.; Skálová, H.; Šmilauer, P.; Šmilauerová, M.; Smit, C.; Song, M.; Stock, M.; Val, J.; Vandvik, V.; Ward, D.; Wesche, K.; Wiser, S. K.; Woodcock, B. A.; Young, T. P.; Yu, F.-H.; Zobel, M.; Götzenberger, L. (2020): Synchrony Matters More than Species Richness in Plant Community Stability at a Global Scale. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2020, 117 (39), 24345–24351.