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climate change

EXDRAIN-2: Ecosystem responses to droughts: experiments, observations, and synthesis

The increasing frequency and severity of extreme events is an inherent part of changing climate. Among extreme events, droughts are probably the most widespread and most drastic events, which can disrupt ecosystem functioning. Droughts are typically studied either by assessing the impacts of naturally occurring drought events or by excluding precipitation in drought experiments. The overall objective of the proposed research is to study ecosystem responses to drought by integrating experimental and observational studies.

Grassland monitoring in juniper-poplar forests

Fire is one of the most important human disturbance in Homokhátság and its impact is increasing due to climate change. We monitor the long term post-fire regeneration of grasslands in juniper-poplar forests in two sites (Bugac and Orgovány) in four stands respectively. We sample 10 grassland patches in every stand with five 1x1 m quadrat in each patch. The sampling has been conducted twice a year since 1997 in Bugac and 2002 in Orgovány. This dataset is the longest among the yearly sampled biodiversity datasets of KISKUN LTER.

Vulnerability assessment of shrubland ecosystems in Europe under climatic changes

(VULCAN) Célunk a klímaváltozás hatásának kísérletes vizsgálata európai cserjés ökoszisztémákban. Csapadékkizárással szárazodást, takarással melegedést szimulálunk. A kezelések hatására a növényzetben, a talajban, a talajoldatban és az állatvilágban bekövetkezett változásokat rendszeres monitirozással követjük nyomon.