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Harrison, P. A.; Dunford, R.; Barton, D. N.; Kelemen, E.; Martín-López, B.; Norton, L.; Termansen, M.; Saarikoski, H.; Hendriks, K.; Gómez-Baggethun, E.; Czúcz, B.; García-Llorente, M.; Howard, D.; Jacobs, S.; Karlsen, M.; Kopperoinen, L.; Madsen, A.; Rusch, G.; van Eupen, M.; Verweij, P.; Smith, R.; Tuomasjukka, D.; Zulian, G. (2018): Selecting Methods for Ecosystem Service Assessment: A Decision Tree Approach. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES 2018, 29, 481–498.
Heli, S.; Eeva, P.; Sanna-Riikka, S.; Paula, A.; Aszalós, R.; Francesc, B.; Pam, B.; Gemma Garcia, B.; Erik, G.-B.; Laurence, C.; Jan, D.; Robert, D.; Mihail, H.; Paula A, H.; Zita, I.; Kertész, M.; Leena, K.; Berit, K.; Johannes, L.; David, L.; Camino, L.; Sandra, L.; Peter, M.; Jari, N.; Ignacio, P.; Guillermo Martinez, P.; Pablo Luis, P.; Elena, P.; Jörg A, P.; Rui, S.; Christian, S.; Francis, T.; Angheluta, V.; Wim, V.; Suvi, V.; Juliette, Y. (2018): Institutional Challenges in Putting Ecosystem Service Knowledge in Practice. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES 2018, 29, 579–598.
Lenormand, M.; Luque, S.; Langemeyer, J.; Tenerelli, P.; Zulian, G.; Aalders, I.; Chivulescu, S.; Clemente, P.; Dick, J.; van Dijk, J.; van Eupen, M.; Giuca, R. C.; Kopperoinen, L.; Lelleiné Kovács, E.; Leone, M.; Lieskovský, J.; Schirpke, U.; Smith, A. C.; Tappeiner, U.; Woods, H.; Gruebner, O. (2018): Multiscale Socio-Ecological Networks in the Age of Information. PLOS ONE 2018, 13, e0206672.
Mizsei, E.; Zinenko, O.; Sillero, N.; Ferri, V.; Roussos, S. A.; Szabolcs, I. M. (2018): The Distribution of Meadow and Steppe Vipers (Vipera Graeca, V. Renardi and V. Ursinii): A Revision of the New Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Europe. Basic and Applied Herpetology 2018, 32, 77–83.
Nogues, I.; Medori, M.; Fortunati, A.; Lelleiné Kovács, E.; Kröel-Dulay, G.; Calfapietra, C. (2018): Leaf Gas Exchange and Isoprene Emission in Poplar in Response to Long-Term Experimental Night-Time Warming and Summer Drought in a Forest-Steppe Ecosystem. ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 2018, 152, 60–67.
Ónodi, G.; Botta-Dukát, Z.; Kröel-Dulay, G.; Lelleiné Kovács, E.; Kertész, M. (2018): Reduction in Primary Production Followed by Rapid Recovery of Plant Biomass in Response to Repeated Mid-Season Droughts in a Semiarid Shrubland. PLANT ECOLOGY 2018, 219, 517–526.
Pinke, G.; Karácsony, P.; Czúcz, B.; Botta-Dukát, Z. (2018): When Herbicides Don’t Really Matter: Weed Species Composition of Oil Pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo L.) Fields in Hungary. CROP PROTECTION 2018, 110, 236–244.
Potschin-Young, M.; Burkhard, B.; Czúcz, B.; Santos-Martín, F. (2018): Glossary of Ecosystem Services Mapping and Assessment Terminology. One Ecosystem 2018, 3.
Tölgyesi, C.; Valkó, O.; Deák, B.; Kelemen, A.; Bragina, T. M.; Gallé, R.; Erdős, L.; Bátori, Z. (2018): Tree–Herb Co-Existence and Community Assembly in Natural Forest-Steppe Transitions. PLANT ECOLOGY & DIVERSITY 2018, 11, 465–477.
Török, K.; Csecserits, A.; Somodi, I.; Kövendi-Jakó, A.; Halász, K.; Rédei, T.; Halassy, M. (2018): Restoration Prioritization for Industrial Area Applying Multiple Potential Natural Vegetation Modelling. RESTORATION ECOLOGY 2018, 26, 476–488.
Török, P.; Kelemen, A.; Valkó, O.; Miglécz, T.; Tóth, K.; Tóth, E.; Sonkoly, J.; Kiss, R.; Csecserits, A.; Rédei, T.; Deák, B.; Szűcs, P.; Varga, N.; Tóthmérész, B. (2018): Succession in Soil Seed Banks and Its Implications for Restoration of Calcareous Sand Grasslands. RESTORATION ECOLOGY 2018, 26, S134–S140.
Turkelboom, F.; Leone, M.; Jacobs, S.; Kelemen, E.; García-Llorente, M.; Baró, F.; Termansen, M.; Barton, D. N.; Berry, P.; Stange, E.; Thoonen, M.; Kalóczkai, Á.; Vadineanu, A.; Castro, A. J.; Czúcz, B.; Röckmann, C.; Wurbs, D.; Odee, D.; Preda, E.; Gómez-Baggethun, E.; Rusch, G. M.; Pastur, G. M.; Palomo, I.; Dick, J.; Casaer, J.; van Dijk, J.; Priess, J. A.; Langemeyer, J.; Mustajoki, J.; Kopperoinen, L.; Baptist, M. J.; Peri, P. L.; Mukhopadhyay, R.; Aszalós, R.; Roy, S.; Luque, S.; Rusch, V. (2018): When We Cannot Have It All: Ecosystem Services Trade-Offs in the Context of Spatial Planning. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES 2018, 29, 566–578.
van Oudenhoven, A. P.; Schröter, M.; Drakou, E. G.; Geijzendorffer, I. R.; Jacobs, S.; van Bodegom, P. M.; Chazee, L.; Czúcz, B.; Grunewald, K.; Lillebø, A. I.; Mononen, L.; Nogueira, A. J.; Pacheco-Romero, M.; Perennou, C.; Remme, R. P.; Rova, S.; Syrbe, R.-U.; Tratalos, J. A.; Vallejos, M.; Albert, C. Key (2018): Criteria for Developing Ecosystem Service Indicators to Inform Decision Making. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2018, 95, 417–426.
Zulian, G.; Stange, E.; Woods, H.; Carvalho, L.; Dick, J.; Andrews, C.; Baró, F.; Vizcaino, P.; Barton, D. N.; Nowel, M.; Rusch, G. M.; Autunes, P.; Fernandes, J.; Ferraz, D.; Ferreira, dos S. R.; Aszalós, R.; Arany, I.; Czúcz, B.; Priess, J. A.; Hoyer, C.; Bürger-Patricio, G.; Lapola, D.; Mederly, P.; Halabuk, A.; Bezak, P.; Kopperoinen, L.; Viinikka, A. (2018): Practical Application of Spatial Ecosystem Service Models to Aid Decision Support. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES 2018, 29, 465–480.


Arany, I.; Czúcz, B.; Csonka, I.; Kovács-Hostyánszki, A.; Molnár, Z. (2017): Tájváltozás, Tájhasználat És Az Ideális Méhlegelő Déldunántúli Méhészek Szemével = Land Use, Land Use Change and the Ideal Bee Pasture in the Perception of Beekepers from Southern Transdanubia, Hungary. TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI KÖZLEMÉNYEK 2017, 23, 127–143.
Bede-Fazekas, Á.; Czúcz, B.; Somodi, I. (2017): Vulnerability of Natural Landscapes to Climate Change – a Case Study of Hungary. IDŐJÁRÁS / QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE HUNGARIAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE 2017, 121, 393–414.
Boros, E.; V.-Balogh, K.; Vörös, L.; Horváth, Z. (2017): Multiple Extreme Environmental Conditions of Intermittent Soda Pans in the Carpathian Basin (Central Europe). LIMNOLOGICA 2017, 62, 38–46.
Deák, B.; Wagner, V.; Csecserits, A.; Becker, T. (2017): Vegetation and Conservation of Grasslands in Central-Europe – Editorial to the 12th EDGG Special Feature. TUEXENIA 2017, 37, 375–378.
Erdős, L.; Tölgyesi, C.; Bátori, Z.; Semenishchenkov, Y. A.; Magnes, M. (2017): The Influence of Forest/Grassland Proportion on the Species Composition, Diversity and Natural Values of an Eastern Austrian Forest-Steppe. RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 2017, 48, 350–357.
Forró, L.; Nédli, J.; Csata, E.; Krizsik, V.; Balogh, C.; G.-Tóth, L. (2017): Morphometric Characteristics and COI Haplotype Diversity of Arctodiaptomus Spinosus (Copedoda) Populations in Soda Pans in Hungary. ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA (1983-2018) 2017, 68, 279–289.
Kertész, M.; Aszalós, R.; Lengyel, A.; Ónodi, G. (2017): Synergistic Effects of the Components of Global Change: Increased Vegetation Dynamics in Open, Forest-Steppe Grasslands Driven by Wildfires and Year-to-Year Precipitation Differences. PLoS ONE 2017, 12.
Kovács, A. D.; Hoyk, E.; Farkas, J. Z. (2017): Homokhátság - a Special Rural Area Affected by Aridification in the Carpathian Basin, Hungary. European Countryside 2017, 1, 29–50.
Kövendi-Jakó, A.; Csecserits, A.; Halassy, M.; Halász, K.; Szitár, K.; Török, K. (2017): Relationship of Germination and Establishment for Twelve Plant Species in Restored Dry Grassland. APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2017, 15, 227–239.
Lepesi, N.; Bede-Fazekas, Á.; Czúcz, B.; Somodi, I. (2017): Adaptive Capacity of Climate Sensitive Habitats to Climate Change in Hungary. IDŐJÁRÁS / QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE HUNGARIAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE 2017, 121, 415–436.
Mojzes, A.; Kalapos, T.; Kovácsné Láng, E. (2017): Plant Ecophysiological Responses to Drought, Nocturnal Warming and Variable Climate in the Pannonian Sand Forest-Steppe: Results of a Six-Year Climate Manipulation Experiment. BIOLOGIA (BRATISLAVA) 2017, 72, 1431–1445.
Nagy, G. G.; Ladányi, M.; Arany, I.; Aszalós, R.; Czúcz, B. (2017): Birds and Plants: Comparing Biodiversity Indicators in Eight Lowland Agricultural Mosaic Landscapes in Hungary. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2017, 73, 566–573.
Ónodi, G.; Kertész, M.; Kovács-Láng, E.; Ódor, P.; Botta-Dukát, Z.; Lhotsky, B.; Barabás, S.; Mojzes, A.; Kröel-Dulay, G. (2017): Estimating Aboveground Herbaceous Plant Biomass via Proxies: The Confounding Effects of Sampling Year and Precipitation. Ecological Indicators 2017, 79, 355–360.
Potschin-Young, M.; Czúcz, B.; Liquete, C.; Maes, J.; Rusch, G. M.; Haines-Young, R. (2017): Intermediate Ecosystem Services: An Empty Concept?. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES 2017, 27, 124–126.
Somodi, I.; Molnár, Z.; Czúcz, B.; Bede-Fazekas, Á.; Bölöni, J.; Pásztor, L.; Laborczi, A.; Zimmermann, N. E. (2017): Implementation and Application of Multiple Potential Natural Vegetation Models – a Case Study of Hungary. JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE 2017, 28, 1260–1269.
Szabó, A.; Korponai, K.; Kerepesi, C.; Somogyi, B.; Vörös, L.; Bartha, D.; Márialigeti, K.; Felföldi, T. (2017): Soda Pans of the Pannonian Steppe Harbor Unique Bacterial Communities Adapted to Multiple Extreme Conditions. EXTREMOPHILES : LIFE UNDER EXTREME CONDITIONS 2017, 21, 639–649.