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Large scale primary and secondary grassland monitoring (Jedlik-network)

Starting year

We studied the relationship between the vegetation of the dry habitats and the surrounding habitats in 16 5 x 5 km large sampling sites between 2007-2009. With the repetition of the study we could follow the landscape-scale change. We conducted the repetition of the primary grassland and old-field habitats between 2019-2021. During this second survey we recorded the present land-use, and the type of cultivation and we made the vegetation survey again in 5 x 5m and 20 x 20m large plots. In the future, we plan to monitor every five years the changes of land use and in every 10 years the changes in vegetation. We plan to repeat also the vegetation survey in the forest and tree plantations.


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KISKUN LTER: Grassland monitoring 2: Large scale primary and secondary grassland monitoring (Jedlik-network)


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Táji szintű monitoring / Large scale monitoring, Jedlik restricted